A Taught by an Idiot primary school project that uses play and storytelling to explore and challenge stereotypes, while improving literacy and oracy

Using a familiar fairytale or traditional story as a stimulus, this exciting educational project takes primary school children on an adventure led by an experienced Taught by an Idiot practitioner. Pupils will:

  • Learn about and explore fictional and real-life stereotypes
  • Explore well-known characters through text, physical gesture and voice
  • Devise, write and rehearse their own scenes using Told by an Idiot’s playful approach to theatre making
  • Perform their work and present what they have learned to their teachers and classmates

Does Cinderella Have to Have Blonde Hair? enhances curriculum-based learning in PHSE (exploring gender stereotypes), literacy and oracy at KS2 level (Year 3) and can be adapted for other year groups. The length of the project can also be flexible depending on how much time is available for delivery.


Feedback from pupils:

“I learned that drama could be really fun and when you do drama it makes you feel free” “I learned to go with my ideas and other people’s ideas” “I learned that you have to believe in yourself. You start believing and start to believe in the people around you” 

Feedback from teachers:

(pupils had) “...certainly learnt about stereotypes and challenging stereotypes in their own lives. They also learnt how to write their own script and how to perform effectively to an audience.”

“Several useful drama techniques were used that could be incorporated into literacy teaching. The project definitely helped the children to develop their ability to project their voices. Developed creative flair.”  “The children did see that stories don’t have to end in the way that they normally do. I feel that in their story writing in class, they are able to think a bit more outside of the box, and they are able to use their imagination a bit more now.” “Some children who are particularly shy and rarely participate in class discussion were at the forefront and expressed themselves brilliantly with speaking parts. All the children worked well outside of the workshop, they were given homework based around the content and we made it part of class discussion, using expression and taught skills in our literacy and reading lessons. The project was great at allowing the children to use their imaginations and become more creative in their thinking, not just on the story but how to communicate to others.”   


You can read our evaluation report for our 2018 project here.


To find out more about Does Cinderella Have to Have Blonde Hair? please get in touch by emailing Participation Manager Natasha Bergg at or calling us on 020 7407 4123