A Midsummer Night's Dream was a startling international collaboration between Told by an Idiot and Svenska Theatre (Finland's national Swedish speaking theatre), with their bold production of Shakespeare's magical tale.

Two alien worlds clashed together; the hopelessly lost generation of soldiers from the First World War were thrown into the world of 1920's shameless exuberance, where bright young things Charleston the night away.

In this anarchic reworking of one of Shakespeare's greatest comedies, the midsummer fantasy was given a fresh twist by Told by an Idiot, where the fairies were the ghosts of war weary soldiers who contrasted sharply with the flappers, in a world of sex and decadence where true love would always find a way.



'Hysterically funny...It's an entertaining comedy with great actors, some surprising scenic solutions and great positive energy...culminating in the absolutely hilarious mini-play' - New Times

'John Wright's anarchic reinterpretation of A Midsummer Night's Dream...Erik Salvesens set design is beautiful and imaginative...it is impossible not to laugh' - Borgabladet


Performance Dates 2012

27 August - 22 November    Svenska Theatre, Finland 

